The Salty Blonde | Style For Days
As you may have noticed, I dig accessories. Big hats, rad sunglasses and unique jewelry. They can make any outfit your own and I'm a big advocate of that. Style isn't about what brands you're wearing or who you look like, it's about expressing yourself and wearing what makes you feel awesome. I personally like to take chances and dress a little absurd at times, as my boyfriend likes to repeatedly remind me. This could fly when I was in NYC, however I was nervous how Hawaii was going to take my eccentric style because it was NOT changing. I am who I am and I like what I like. Well, unbeknownst to me, Hawaii was exactly what my style spirit guide was in search of all my life. I can mix my fave One Teaspoon cut-offs with just about anything, which makes me so, so happy. This time I paired them with a simple American Eagle heather gray tank and my go to Steve Maddengladiators. Covered up with this bad ass Spell Designssweater, that I like to call a blanket with sleeves because that's exactly what it is. Topped it off with my KV Bijou Teardrop necklace and stacked the Rope and Kalani with my grandmother's gold diamond ring to make it my own. And of course I can't go anywhere these days without a killer hat for my noggin, thanks Brixton.